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Rajasthan showcases investment opportunities to French firms

Senior officials held discussions with company representatives and the French Embassy in India on investment prospects in Rajasthan.

The Rajasthan government on Friday highlighted investment opportunities in the state to French companies through a webinar.

Senior officials held discussions with company representatives and the French Embassy in India on investment prospects in Rajasthan.

The officials led by additional chief secretary (Industries) Subodh Agarwal highlighted investment opportunities in a wide range of areas from agriculture to defence sector.

During the session, representatives of major French multinational companies were present and discussed their current profile and possibilities of expansion.

"Rajasthan government has been actively pursuing investors to the state and the efforts gained support from the Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) that assisted in bringing the major French companies on board along with the Embassy of France in India," an official of the state government said.

The webinar was held by Rajasthan Industrial Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO). 


Source : Republic World

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