Event report

IFCCI CEO's Committee Meeting 2023

IFCCI CEOs Committee led by organised an interaction with Dr Shamika Ravi, Member of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council on 20th Nov 2023

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The CEOs Committee of Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organised an interaction with Dr. Shamika Ravi, Member of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council at the Residence of the French Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Thierry Mathou on 20th November 2023.

The Meeting was organised in the presence of a high-level delegation of MEDEF International led by Mr. Paul Hermelin and Gérard Wolf. His Excellency, Mr. Hermelin and IFCCI President Mr. Jean Touboul welcomed the guests. The Meeting was moderated by Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI.

Dr. Shamika Ravi, through a presentation on India's Real Economy, presented the importance of market-friendly government policies for better regulatory capacity. She highlighted the decline in riot-related violence due to rising opportunity costs. Ms. Ravi talked about the second-order effects of government schemes, such as the National Health Mission and the Jan Dhan Ayojana, which provided affordable financial services to the poor. She also underlined that Aatmanirbhar Bharat Yojana’s focus continues to be on strategic sectors like food, defense, and energy. 

Ms. Ravi also shared insights on the energy consumption of India, cross-subsidization, pension payments, and the growing health sector. She elaborated on the Skill India Initiative to combat the issue of unemployment and youth inactivity. It aims to bridge the gap between skill and degree and focus on experience building. Additionally, she spoke about the concept of Narrative Economics which talks about how the human brain has always been highly tuned toward narratives whereas statistics and data should guide decisions and conversations.

The Meeting was attended by 20+ CEOs of French companies operating in India alongwith Mr. Benoit Gauthier, Minister Counsellor for Economic and Financial Affairs and Head of the Regional Economic Department for India and South Asia, Embassy of France in India and Mr. Eric Fajole, Trade Counsellor and Head of Business France in India.

IFCCI thanked its partners for their continuous support - French Embassy in India, Business France and CCE Inde - French Foreign Trade Advisors.

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