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French Clean Energy Days India

IFCCI along with Business France is jointly organized French Clean Energy Days India event on 21st February 2023

The energy & electricity sectors are important subjects for the Indo-French bilateral and business relations and to support and further develop synergies between the two countries, IFCCI along with Business France is jointly organized French Clean Energy Days India event. As part of French Clean Energy Days India, The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) and Business France India organized the French pavilion at ELECRAMA 2023– the largest flagship showcase of the Indian Electrical and Allied Electronics Industry by IEEMA.


On the 21st February, Mr. Damien Syed, Deputy Chief of Mission, French Embassy in India / Ambassade de France en Inde , Mrs. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI, and Mr. Eric FAJOLE, Trade Commissioner and Director, Business France India visited the French Pavilion and interacted with the top leaders of the French companies at Elecrama including Total Energies, SAFT batteries, Technip Energies, Schneider Electric, Jeumont Electric, Sicame, and SOCOMEC. On the same day, Business France India supported by the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) organized a round table following at the Residence of France in Delhi with top French Energy & Utilities companies in India along with top banks to discuss potential synergies and growth plans in India. The round-table discussion was very interactive with all the participating companies putting forward their future plans and accelerated efforts pertaining to India’s sustainable future. The key topics discussed were Green Financing, decarbonisation , EV (storage, hybrid), and Energy Efficiency. The session concluded with a networking evening hosted by H.E. Mr Emmanuel Lenain, Ambassador of France to India, with 150+ clean energy sector representatives from Indian & France.


We thank all our partners for making the event a success.

Platinum partners : Total energies, UJA

Gold partners : Schneider Electric, Technip Energies

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