Event report
Chennai : 1st Meeting - Industries Committee
Points Discussed:
General welcome by Mr. Jean-Charles Thuard & Ms. Merlin Simon to the committee members
Partcipants introduced themselves and briefly explained their sector of activity.
Discussion on what the committee activities and objectives could include:
Lobbying – for policy making
Sharing of concerns & best practices with fellow members
Practices to follow for a more effective connect with members:
- Regular updates on relevant topics to members
- Each IFCCI chapter to coordinate with industry committee members in their region
- Provide option to participate through webinar/ videoconference
- Events to be organised in other cities as well.
As most members are concentrated in the Mumbai region, a meeting on 21st September, the day of the Annual General Meet could be planned.
Suggestions for events:
Factory visits
Seminar on compliance (Ex: In Mumbai during the Annual General Meet on 21st September)
Action Points:
- A Charter to be prepared and circulated among members by 6th July, describing also the objectives of the committee.
- A core committee to be formed
- Whatsapp group with the core committee to be formed as well to facilitate easy coordination.