Event report

Bangalore : Indo-European Manufacturing Conclave 2018 [Edition II]

IFCCI in Bangalore organised the second edition of the breakfast led discussion on the Indian Manufacturing Sector on Friday, the 31st August 2018, in the presence of Mr. Francois Gautier, the Consul General of France in Bangalore. IFCCI brought together industry leaders to discuss:

  • The current scale and size of the manufacturing sector in India
  • The scope, challenges and opportunity that India presents
  • Investments / Expansions in India with a focus on the southern states
  • Innovations in the manufacturing sector and importance of sustainable manufacturing

After the introductory remarks shared by Mr. Francois Gautier, the event progressed to the panel discussions covering the above topics. The panellists included Mr. James Morris, Managing Director - RSC Operations India, Alstom Transport India; Mr. S Devarajan, Senior Vice President at TVS Motor Company; Mr. Thomas Fuhrmann, President, IGCC & MD of TUV Rheinland India Pvt. Ltd; Mr. Hubert Reilard, Past President, IGCC and Ex-MD of EFD Induction India; Mr. Abdul Majeed, Partner, Price Waterhouse Cooper; and the moderator of the discussions was Mr. Nikhil Mallavarapu, Vice President - Electronics Manufacturing, Centum Electronics.The speakers conducted the session with an illustrative presentation, with a visual description of the workings of this technology. The event brought forth 40+ senior executives from the Indo-French business community and concluded with Tea, Coffee and Networking among the participants and speakers.

The event was supported by:

Knowledge Partner: Alstom Transport India
Supporting Partner: Indo-German Chamber of Commerce
Hospitality Partner: Novotel Bengaluru Techpark

The event brought together 100+ participants which included senior executives from the Indian, French and German business community. 

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