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Why We Should Teach French And Not Just English In Our Schools In India
A brilliant statesman, a reformer and a man of vision recently visited India, opening a new chapter in the India-France partnership. Emmanuel Macron’s role in France and the European Union is similar to that of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in the formative years before and after the Independence of India.
This is a historical moment for both France and India, not just because we can see French fighter jets in the Indian sky, but we can also see the exponential expansion of solar cell farms and the use and transfer of green technology thanks to our cooperation with France.
The French president took a lengthy trip to India and has promised to make France the gateway to Europe. He simultaneously deepened the partnership in all areas of significance for the progress of a decent democratic society.
With this in mind, it is time for India to reward France and to reciprocate this desire for true friendship from Emmanuel Macron. We should give France what we have always been good at, which is learning more than one language. So besides Hindi, English, and the local languages of the various states, we could start teaching French in our schools. This would open new opportunities for making films in partnership and for doing university projects, as well.