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Viz-A-Viz With Philippe Montarnal, Second Counsellor | French Embassy In India Head CEA Office In India

Q. What are the new trends which are shaping the Solar Energy market specifically to Indian scenario? The current Indian Govt. has a strong nudge towards Solar Energy. The Government has proposed many new initiatives to woo the tech corridors? What are your comments to it?

India’s renewable energy sector is booming. After his election in 2014, Prime Minister N. Modi announced a “saffron revolution” in the field of solar energy, and ambitious targets have been set for wind energy. The government has also committed, as part of its national contribution for COP21, to increase to 40% share of renewable energy in the Indian electricity mix by 2030. The Indian government plans to install 40GW of solar panels on the roof and 60GW in solar farms. The Indian government also intends to make India a world leader in the manufacture of solar panels and batteries for storage.

Our analysis at CEA, is that, in the context of a severe international competition, the development of an industrial sector of production for the renewable energies will be able to develop only by a technological approach being distinguished from the current production. We face the same situation in Europe and India. For this reason, it is crucial to join our force to improve the links between R & D players and industrialists.

Q. Which key market is CEA rend ering and what new markets are on the exploratory zone of the company?

The DNA of CEA, as a state technological research organization in close connection with French and international industrials, is to mind the gap from research to industry. For several years, we have initiated a dialogue with Indian institutional and industrial stakeholders in the field of renewable energies. This dialogue has already led to academic and industrial cooperation, which contributes to the objectives of the “Make in India” program, and is carried out in synergy with the International Solar Alliance.

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