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The Future Of Renewable Energy In India

With the right investments in green technologies, India is well positioned to achieve renewable energy targets. The pursuit towards cleaner energy will have a crucial role in enabling the country's transition to a fully sustainable energy system.

With 300 clear sunny days, over a dozen perennial rivers and a coastline of more than 7,500 KMs, India since the age of Puranas, had realised the importance of the sun and other sources of renewable energy and the power they possess for the benefit of its inhabitants.

Post-Independence, India's first Prime Minister, Shri Jawahar Lal Nehru while inaugurating the Bhakra Nangal Dam (having a potential to generate 1500 MW of Power) described it as the 'New Temple of Resurgent India'. However, except hydro power, the other two abundant energy resources - wind and solar remained untapped in the last 70 years mainly due to lack of political will and unviability of relevant technologies.

This fact is not hidden from anyone that India is the world's fourth-largest carbon emitter with its population of 1.3 billion people with power sector contributing majorly to the same. But in the recent years, India has made significant strides in the renewable energy space. The Climate Change concern across the Globe has further propelled the Government and Decision Makers to develop a detailed blue print for clean and sustainable power for all.

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