Event report

Smart Factories in India: State-of-the-Art Manufacturing for the World

IFCCI in association with Mahindra World City organised webinar on Smart Factories in India at the Business Booster Forum by CCI France International.

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Ms. Shweta PAHUJA, Head – Business Support Services, IFCCI opened the Session and welcomed the Speakers and Participants.

Mr. Vaibhav MITTAL, Business Head, Mahindra World City & ORIGINS by Mahindra World City, Chennai introduced the topic “Evolution of Smart Factories in India” to set the context for the panel discussion by sharing insights on how India has all the ingredients to leverage itself into a manufacturing hub for the world.

This was followed by a Panel Discussion on State-of-the-Art Manufacturing for the World with French players in India which was moderated by Mr. Vaibhav MITTAL. The panel included Mr. Romain FLANDROIS, Managing Director, FBO Fittings and System; Dr. Arun JAURA, Managing Director, Michelin India Technology Centre; Mr. GK SHARMA, Country Director, IES Plastic Omnium and Mr. Amitabh TIRIAR, Head of Manufacturing Greater Asia & Executive Director, Roquette.

Dr. Arun JAURA discussed about the Smart Factory innovations being implemented by Michelin to meet the dynamic needs of the Indian market.

Mr. Romain FLANDROIS shared the experience and challenges for FBO Fittings & System while setting up the business in India and their future plans.

Mr. GK SHARMA spoke about how Plastic Omnium has implemented the concept of Industry 4.0 as well as their plans for contribution to Atma-Nirbhar Bharat.

Mr. Amitabh TRIAR shared his views on organizational enablers to re-skill the existing workforce for setting up smart factories, and talked about the major challenges faced and their solutions to drive changes at Roquette.

The webinar ended with a Q&A Session and a Vote of thanks by Ms. Shweta Pahuja.

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