Event report

Session on “F&B and FMCG: Regulatory and Practical Implications”

IFCCI under the aegis of its Consumer Goods & Services Committee organized a Virtual Session in collaboration with Dua Associates.

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The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) under the aegis of its Consumer Goods & Services Committee organized a Virtual Session on the theme “F&B and FMCG: Regulatory and Practical Implications" on 29th November 2022. This was organised in collaboration with Dua Associates.

Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Manager – Committees & Events (North), IFCCI welcomed the participants and Speakers for the Session. Mr. Vivek Mani, CEO, Heritage Novandie Foods & Vice Chairperson, IFCCI Consumer Goods and Services Committee set the context for the committee’s initiative for its members on sharing knowledge on the new regulations relating to F&B and FMCG Industry.

The team at DUA Associates Gave a comprehensive presentation on the different aspects of regulations governing the F&B and FMCG industry with a focus on laws for packaging, labelling and advertising in the sector.

The Speakers were:

Mr. N U Subaya, Partner​

Ms. Janini Somiah, Partner​

Mr. Titash Bhattacharya, Associate​

Ms. Darshana Karian, Associate​

Ms. Anvita C. Harish, Associate​

Following were the key takeaways from the discussion:

  • The laws governing the food and beverage sector
  • FMCG requisites on product and service standards, registration & licensing, environment obligations, customer protection and brand reach.
  • The current and permitted use of packaging material, with the way plastic may be used in such material
  • The understanding of labelling of products, specifically in relation to food and beverages, with the most recent changes made to the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, and the Legal Metrology Act, 2009
  • The advertising of products and claims that may be made, with new laws being introduced for food products, celebrity endorsements, influencers, etc.
  • The level of participation of the Industry with the Government at the time of new laws being drafted, or when amendments are brought into the existing laws, to ensure compliance

This was followed by an interactive Question & Session and the Session was attended by 40  participants.

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