Event report

Roundtable on Key Takeaways from the Union Budget 2023 with KPMG

IFCCI's Consumer Goods & Services, Logistics & Supply Chain and Retail committees joined hands to organise a Roundtable on 8th February 2023.

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IFCCI's Consumer Goods & Services, Logistics & Supply Chain and Retail committees joined hands to organise a Roundtable on Key Takeaways from the Union Budget 2023 for these three sectors, on 8th February 2023. 

KPMG in India was the Knowledge Partner for the Session and presented various announcements and implications of the Union Budget pertaining to these industries.

Ms. Rishika Roy, Head-Committees & Partnerships, IFCCI, welcomed the participants and Speakers for the Session, followed by Special Addresses by the Chairpersons of IFCCI Consumer Goods & Services and Logistics & Supply Chain Committees​, Mr. Alamjit Singh Sekhon, Commercial Director, Fromageries Bel India & Chairperson, IFCCI Consumer Goods & Services Committee​ and Mr. Vaibhav Vohra, Managing Director, Continental Carriers Pvt. Ltd. & Chairperson, IFCCI Logistics & Supply Chain Committee​ who set the context for the Session and shared their perceptions on the impact of the budget announcements on their industries respectively. Some of the important aspects highlighted were fiscal deficit reforms, the big focus on infrastructure in retail, logistics and FMCG and the focus laid on youth and Amrit Kaal in this year's budget. 

This was followed by a comprehensive presentation - Mr. Prashant Kapoor, Partner - M&A & PE Tax; Corridor Leader - Europe, KPMG in India sharing insights on Investment and M&A updates; Ms. Nidhi Maheshwari, Chartered Accountant, Partner, BSR & Co. LLP took the participants through direct tax proposals covering the positive effects, concerns as well as takeaways, Mr. Vineet Agarwal, Chartered Accountant, Partner, BSR & Co. LLP threw light on financial services tax proposals​ and personal tax amendments and Mr. Praveen William, Partner - Indirect Taxes, KPMG in India ​shared insights on indirect tax proposals aligning with GST and custom duties. 

Capt. Ram Iyer, Vice Chairperson, IFCCI Logistics & Supply Chain Committee & Vice President, Seahorse Ship Agencies Pvt. Ltd. also shared his thoughts on the budget proposals. 

The Session was moderated by Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Manager – Committees & Events, IFCCI.

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