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Paris Agreement Is Not Renegotiable, Asserts France Ahead of Bonn Meet

New Delhi: The US pullout from the Paris deal will have an "impact" but it will remain the cornerstone for all global action against climate change, France has said, ruling out any "renegotiation". French Minister of State for Ecological and Inclusive Transition Brune Poirson said smaller countries facing the brunt of global warming are justifiably frustrated over the US decision.

However, Poirson expressed hope that the upcoming United Nations COP 23 talks in Germanys Bonn will witness "concrete progress" towards having the rules and technicalities for implementation of the Paris Agreement defined.

Poirson, who was on a three-day visit to India recently, said the strong signals sent by French President Emmanuel Macron and Prime Minister Narendra Modi among others in response to the US decision indicate the support to the "Fijian presidency in bringing concrete progress in Bonn in November".

"Less than one month after the US decision, France presented a yet more ambitious climate plan: we will be one of the first countries in the world to introduce a Bill in Parliament to ban all new fossil fuel permits," she said.

The "same determination" can be seen in India as well with its "bold announcements" towards making the transition irreversible through targets for renewable energy or electric vehicles, she said, hailing Modis role in helping consolidate the deal.

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