Webinar • Event report
PAN India : Webinar on Careers in France
IFCCI in association with NEOMA Business School organized a Panel discussion on "Careers in France" on December 1, 2020.

Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI welcomed the panelists and the participants and shared that France is a country offering many opportunities & is the gateway to Europe.
Our Moderator Mr. Shekhar Surti, Country Manager India, Neoma Business School and panellists – Ms. Bhavana SAMEL, HR Lead- Studies, Prospectives and Diversity for MS Global, Total Group, Paris, Mr. Naveen Kumar JAGANNATH, Neoma BS Alumni, Innovation & Digitalization Project Manager, Allianz Real Estate and Ms. Stephanie Brossard, Career Services Manager, Neoma Business School spoke about the Impact of Covid on current jobs, language issues for Indian students, opportunities for International students, Visa related issues and Management study options offered by Neoma Business School.
The session ended with very interactive Q&A session.