Event report

New Delhi: Panel Discussion on Decoding the Union Budget 2019 and New Government Initiatives

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Under the aegis of H.E. Mr. Alexandre Ziegler, Ambassador of France to India, the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organized a Panel Discussion on 'Decoding the Union Budget 2019 and New Government Initiatives' on Monday, 8th July 2019 at the Residence of France in New Delhi. The event commenced with a half an hour networking breakfast.

The agenda of the forum was to evoke meaningful discussions on the impact on the business sector, expectations of companies for the coming year and the recently announced Union Budget.

The panel comprising of India's leading Economist and Editors - Mr. Sanjeev Sanyal, Principal Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance, Mr. Raj Chengappa, Group Editorial Director, India Today and Ms. Mitali Mukherjee, Consulting Business Editor at Editorji Technologies, Former Markets Editor, Network18 (Moderator) shared their insights on new Government initiatives, ease of doing business, tourism and India's ambition to become a 5 trillion dollars economy.

The panel discussion which was attended by 50+ CXOs of IFCCI's members companies, ended with an interactive Q&A session.

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