Event report

Navigating the Future: Demystifying Generative AI with Cautious Optimism

IFCCI under the aegis of its Technology Committee organised a webinar on Navigating the Future: Demystifying Generative AI with Cautious Optimism

Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI), under the aegis of its Technology Committee organised a webinar on Navigating the Future: Demystifying Generative AI with Cautious Optimism on 7th December 2023.

The session commenced with welcome remarks by Mr Priyank Prakash, Senior Manager - Events & Membership, following this Our esteemed speakers, Mr Salil SHEKHARAN, Partner & Business Consulting, Ernst & Young, and Mr Manikandan BALASUBRMANIAN, Partner & Business Consulting, Ernst & Young, shared their insights on the role of generative AI in transforming various industries and highlighted the importance of promoting responsible AI development. They discussed guidelines and regulations that can help ensure that this technology is used for the betterment of society rather than harm.

The webinar received more than 60+ participants. The interactive session provided a platform for attendees to engage in a lively discussion and share their perspectives on this rapidly evolving technology.

We would like to thank our speakers and attendees for their active participation and contribution to the webinar’s success. 

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