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India’s Harsh Panchal A Winner In Global Michelin Challenge Design Contest

Harsh Panchal of Vadodara, India has bagged second place for his design entry ‘Mystique’ in the 18th global Michelin Challenge Design competition, ‘Michelin Concours d’Elegance 2050 – Future Classic’. Mihul Prakash of Kanpur is among the finalists for his ‘Genesis Entrada’.

Works by individuals and teams of designers from India, Russia, Algeria, Argentina, Brazil, China, France, South Korea and the United States were among the winners and finalists selected by a distinguished jury of the world’s top automotive designers and industry experts.

Georgii Varodi of St. Petersburg, Russia, has been chosen the winner for his design entry ‘DS Bertoni’ and Boussid Mohammed Ramdane of Oran, Algeria, won second place for his ‘Bugatti Type 2050 SC Atlantic’. 

The three winning designs, six finalists and four honorable mentions were chosen by the jury from more than 1,000 entrants representing 67 countries. In the past 18 years, Michelin Challenge Design has received more than 13,000 entries from 130 countries.

The Michelin Concours theme challenged participants to design a vehicle for the year 2025 that will become a classic and defines, or represents, this transitional era in automotive design and technology to win the Michelin Concours d’Elegance in the year 2050. Images of the winning entries are available at

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