Communication - Press

India, France To Partner To Develop Museums, Culture Spaces And Organise Exhibitions And Festivals

A tweet from the Ministry of Culture said the working group would explore partnership between the National Museum in Delhi and a French counterpart to be designated by the French government.

India and France will work together in the field of museums, cultural spaces and research, and a joint working group will be established for this purpose, the Ministry of Culture said on Tuesday.

“France and India agreed... to formalise partnership to develop museums, cultural spaces and to collaborate in the field of exhibition, research and festivals,” the Ministry said in a tweet after Culture Minister Prahlad Singh Patel met his French counterpart Franck Riester here.

It said the working group would explore partnership between the National Museum in Delhi and a French counterpart to be designated by the French government. The first meeting of this group would be held before April 30. The Ministers opened an exhibition of works by French artist Gerard Garouste at the National Gallery of Modern Art.

Source - The Hindu 

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