Event report

IFCCI's Bastille Day Celebration 2021

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The evening commenced with an introductory address by Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI. This was followed by a welcome address by Ms. Tracy Fernandes, Manager – Events and Membership, IFCCI. The evening was then open for networking and to celebrate Bastille Day with the members of the Chamber.

Some of the key highlights of this special evening included Live singing performance by Ms. Diya Bhattarcharya, Exclusive Curated Cuisine by Chef Thomas Blanchard from Coup de Food Pvt Ltd and Chef Riyaz N Shaikh from The Leela Palace. Additionally, guests who participated in the game of Tambola got a chance to win exclusive Prizes and Lucky draw gifts.

We thank our sponsors for their kind support. This event was well received and appreciated by all!

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