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IFCCI Energy & Utilities First Committee Meeting FY 2022

IFCCI organized the first meeting of 2022 of the IFCCI Energy & Utilities committee on Tuesday, 15th February 2022

IFCCI organized the first meeting of 2022 of the IFCCI Energy & Utilities committee on Tuesday, 15th February 2022.  The session was led by the leadership of the committee which include:  


• Mr. José Ignacio Sanz SAIZ, Chairperson, IFCCI Energy & Utilities Committee & Country Chair India, Total Energies 

• Mr. Amit Jain, Vice Chairperson, IFCCI Energy & Utilities Committee & CEO & Country Manager, ENGIE India 


The agenda of this closed-door meeting was to deliberate and discuss the key developments, new measures and issues related to the Energy sector.  

The session commenced with a comprehensive Industry update given by Mr. Neeraj Menon, Partner, Trilegal which covered spectrum of points relating to the industry updates such as Regulations of the power market on jurisdictional issues, Bundling of Renewal Energy with Thermal and Hydro Power initiated by the Ministry of Power, The extension of ALMM Guidelines to the open access projects made to the MNRE, and Draft Electricity Amendment Bill and its promulgation. 

Moving forward, Mr. Saransh Roy, Manager, Invest India, and Ms. Kanika Verma, Invest India presented a detailed presentation on the policy updates and Indias Renewal Energy Sector in India. The presentation covered topics like Government Commitments at COP 26 Summit, Measures Taken to Enable Renewal Energy under the Make in India initiative, India Opportunity in Solar, Wind, Green Hydrogen, Hydro Power, Transmission space.


The session was concluded with a Q/A Session put up by the energy & Utilities Committee Members.


We extend a sincere thanks to Invest India for their support for this webinar and IFCCI Energy Committee Annual Patron, Trilegal


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