Event report

IFCCI CSR Committee Virtual Networking Session

IFCCI organized its 1st CSR Committee Virtual Networking session on 19th August 2021.


IFCCI organized its first CSR Committee virtual networking session on Tuesday, 19th August 2021 with welcome remarks by Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI presenting the IFCCI CSR Committee its function and the French solidarity mission in the wake of the covid crisis, followed by presentation of its activities by Ms. Rishika Roy, Head- Events & Committees  

The discussion was led by Mr. Anurag Pratap, Chairperson & Mr. Shankar Ramachandran, Vice Chair followed by a roundtable networking where each participating member shared their aspirations, expectations, and engagement ideas: 

• Focus on a collaborative programme to showcase varied commitments by French companies in India 

• Collaboration with Member companies of IFCCI 

• A platform to demonstrate CSR Programmes 

• Identifying & Contributing for a common cause and work on long term common projects 

The roundtable followed an intensive discussion on engagement prospects and collaborations. 

We thank EduBridge for supporting the IFCCI CSR Committee. 

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