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French Singer Zoe Simpson Concluded Her India Tour With A Concert In Bhopal

French singer and artiste Zoe Simpson concluded her India tour with a concert in Bhopal on Saturday. Performing for the first time in India, Simpson left Bhopalis enchanted with her unique blend of jazz pop electro music.

Her debut album ‘Femme Debout’ revolves around the struggles, women have to go through and the strength they conquer them with.

Starting her musical journey at a young age of 12, Simpson first started as an actress and then got a chance to sing.

Her performance at IISER began with ‘Iphigénie’ narrating how a Greek mythological character is sacrificed by her father for the purpose of war and how women are still used for various motives.

Another track ‘Caresse-moi’ traced the story of unrequited love and the desire to be loved, followed by the song closest to Simpson’s heart:‘Novembre Sous les Cendres’ (November Under the Ashes).

Expressing the desires of women through her songs, she said, “Women’s pleasure is generally a taboo. They are not allowed to speak about it. We need to create safe spaces for women to talk openly about choices that matter to them.” Reminiscing her time with girls from red light areas in Mumbai , she said ‘I want my songs to become theirs by making them believing in the enormous strength we possess. Women quit on their dreams too often, and I want to let them know that no matter how difficult their journey is, it would be worth everything.’

Source : The Times Of India



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