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French Delegation Visits Lycee Francais

Calls for exchange programmes

A four-member academic delegation from Brest in France visited Lycee de Francais, the international French school, on Thursday.

The team comprising Mathieu Gallou, president of the University Brest Occidental (UBO), Romauld Bone, Head of Engineering College, Brest, Abdeslam Mamoune, vice-president, and Jeremy Bazin held discussions with the Lycee de Francaise team and evinced interest in university exchange programmes.

Stephan Madrias, principal, Lycee Francais, said that the Lycee Francais de Pondicherry Education Trust had been set up as an initiative to help implement the decisions of the Government of India and France. These decisions relate to the mutual recognition of academic degrees, promote student exchange and facilitate professional mobility between the two countries.

CSR contributions

Mr. Madrias said that the Trust would be funded by contributions by the French and Indian companies in India under the framework of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This would help to finance new programmes and improve infrastructure. This would not only provide new skills, technical and soft, but also improve their employability by French and Indian companies, whether in India or France, he said.

They also confirmed their willingness to sign an accord with the LFP for academic cooperation in respect of the Lycee students moving to France for higher studies.

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