French delegation calls on Punjab Governor

French delegation calls on Punjab Governor

CHANDIGARH: French delegation led by Alexandre, Ziegler, Ambassador of France and Jean- Yves Le Drian, Defence Minister of French along with other member delegation called on Punjab governor and Chandigarh administrator VP Singh Badnore, at Punjab Raj Bhavan.

French delegation calls on Punjab Governor


CHANDIGARH: French delegation led by Alexander Ziegler, Ambassador of France and Jean-Yves Le Drian, Defence Minister of French along with other member delegation called on Punjab governor and Chandigarh administrator VP Singh Badnore, at Punjab Raj Bhavan.

Discussing various issues at length, Governor said that there was a major scope of cooperation in the areas of sustainable development particularly in transport, waste management and urban development. He said that the most important areas of our interest are segregation of waste and said that we need the latest technology in this field.

Badnore further said that Chandigarh is number one city in India for very many reason, especially in architecture, cleanliness; greenery and also leading in tapping roof top solar energy in the country. He said that he doesn't want to be restricted only to smart city tag but he wants to see Chandigarh as the smartest city.

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