Event report

Consumer Goods Industry in the Digital Age

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IFCCI’s Consumer Goods & Services Committee along with Technology Committee organized a Webinar on theConsumer Goods Industry in the Digital Age on Tuesday, 9th February 2021 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm

The objective of the Session is to discuss and deliberate on digital transformation in this industry in the current times, understanding how consumer needs have shifted and how technology has played an important part in easing this shift.

Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI opened the session and welcomed the participants, this was followed by a Welcome Address by  Mr. Manos Nikolakis, Vice Chairman, IFCCI Consumer Goods & Services Committee & General Manager, BIC Cello India.

Moving ahead, Ms. Varda Taneja, Senior Assistant VP, Invest India delivered Special Remarks and gave an extensive presentation by highlighting the Key Trends, Impact of COVID on various sectors like Technology, Health & wellness and different purchases of made in India products; prominent in food and personal care categories

Furthermore, The Panel was moderated by Mr. Vinay K S, Executive Partner, ASA & Associates who was in conversation with Mr. Dhayalan Pagalarajan, Cluster Leader - Analytics & Insights (Consumer Goods Delivery Head), Tata Consultancy Services, Mr. Rajesh Gopal, Chief Information officer, L'Oreal India, Mr. Sangamesh Bagali, Senior Director, CPRDT Sector (Consumer Products, Retail, Distribution & Transportation), Capgemini and Mr. Shashwat Goswami, Head, Grofers own Brand Marketing.

Discussion revolved around interesting topics such as change in consumer behaviour trends, how has companies leverage technology to scale business and how have their expenditures on technology. The panellists also discussed the various  Adoptions of multi- channel strategies by CG Industry. Additionally, all the panellists shared their experiences their digital transformation journey and lessons learnt

The Panel Discussion was followed by an interactive session with participants.

Finally, Mr. Clifton Menezes, Chairman, IFCCI Technology Committee and India Head of Group Portfolio, Capgemini delivered Concluding Remarks and gave his insights on the topic.

We would like to thank L'Oreal for their support to the entire session.

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