Event report • Events
Chennai : Election 2019 – Impact on Business
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The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) along with knowledge partner Surana & Surana International Attorneys organised a panel discussion on ‘Election 2019 - Impact on Businesses in India’. The event was held on Wednesday, 29th May in Surana & Surana International Law Centre, Chennai.
The event drew in around 30 participations from member and non-member companies based in Chennai.
The event commenced with a brief welcome of the gathering by IFCCI & addressed by Ms. Catherine Suard – Consul General of France in Chennai & Pondicherry. This was followed by an introduction of the moderator & the panellists.
Subsequent to the introductory session was a Panel discussion for the duration of an hour. Some of the main topics covered by the panellists: changing nature of business, GST, ease of doing business, State government's business strategy, Make in India, bilateral treaties, India-EU free trade agreement alongside general rural and economic opportunities and issues. This was followed by a half an hour of Q&A.
The panel discussion ended with a vote of thanks by Mr. Sanjay Mehta, Head - Real Estate & Infrastructure practice, Surana & Surana International Attorneys which was followed by networking and snacks.