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Cabinet Approves MoU Between India And France On Renewable Energy Cooperation

New Delhi, Mar 03: The Union Cabinet, chaired by the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi was apprised of the signing of Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between India and French Republic in the field of renewable energy cooperation. The MoU was signed in January 2021.

The objective of the MoU is to establish the basis for promotion of bilateral cooperation in the field of new and renewable energy on the basis of mutual benefit, equality and reciprocity. It covers technologies relating to solar, wind, hydrogen and biomass energy.

The MoU entails:

  • exchange and training of scientific and technical personnel;
  • exchange of scientific and technological information and data;
  • organization of workshops and seminars; transfer of equipment, know-how and technology;
  • development of joint research and technological projects.

This MoU will help in the development of technological know-how in the field of Renewable Energy and thereby aid the process of attaining the ambitious target of 450 GW of installed Renewable Energy capacity by 2030.

The Cabinet also approved the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' Welfare of the Republic of India and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Fiji for cooperation in the field of Agriculture and Allied Sectors.

The MoU between India and Fiji provides for cooperation in the following areas:

  • Exchange of research personnel, scientific experts, specialists, and technical trainees;
  • Enhancement and transfer of technology;
  • Development of infrastructure for agriculture development;
  • Development of human resources through training of officers and farmers by conducting seminars and workshops;
  • Promotion of joint ventures between private sectors of both countries;
  • Promotion of investment in marketing and value addition/downstream processing of agricultural commodities;
  • Promote capacity development in all areas of agriculture;
  • Promotion of direct trade of agriculture products through market access;
  • Joint planning and development of research proposals and execution of research projects and programmes;
  • Establishment of Indo - Fiji Working Group for dealing phytosanitary issues, and any other form of cooperation which will be mutually agreed by the Parties.

Under the MoU, a Joint Working Group (JWG) will be constituted to set down procedures and plan and recommend programs of cooperation towards achieving its aims through the Executing agencies of the two countries. The JWG will hold its meeting alternately in India and Fiji once in every two year.

This MoU will come into effect on the date of its signing and will remain in force for a period of 5 years.

Source : One India

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