Event report

Bangalore: B2B Summit in the Aeronautics & Aerospace Equipment Sector

The Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (FICCI), in partnership with the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI), Centre Franco-Indien pour la Promotion de la Recherche Avancee (CEFIPRA) and Technology Development Board (TDB) of the Department of Science & Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology - Government of India, organised the B2B Summit for the Aeronautics & Aerospace Sector on Friday the 14th September 2018, at The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore, in the presence of Prof. Ashutosh Sharma, Secretary, Ministry of Science & Technology – Government of India as the Guest of Honour.

The event began with introductory remarks by Mr. Anand Sudershan, Director – Sylvant Advisors,    Dr. Bindu Dey, Secretary, TDB, Dept. of S&T, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of IndiaDr. Mukesh Kumar, Director, CEFIPRADr. Bala K. Bharadvaj, Director, Boeing Technology Centre India, and Mr. Shaju Mangalam, Additional Director & Head – Karnataka State Council, FICCI.

The event succeeded by an informative discussion addressing:

1. Innovations and Technologies in Aerospace Input Supply

  • Impact of new materials challenging traditional material manufacturing 
  • Demand outlook for aerospace part manufacturers, market and supplier trends
  • Aerospace supply chain strategies

Where presentations were given by Mr. Sharadhi Chandra Babu, COO and Head – Defence and Offsets, Axiscades Aerospace and TechnologiesMr. Y. Chandra Shekhar, Head – Supply Chain, GE AviationMr. Amit Banerjee, COO, Hampson Industries Pvt. Ltd and Mr. Rayaprolu Venkata Bhargava Ramana, CEO, Maruthsakha Aerospace and Aviation.

2. Future Technologies

  • Next generation transport aircrafts/Aircraft propulsions/material trends in aircraft engines/Maintenance, Repair & overhaul/Unmanned aerial systems, etc.

Where presentations were given by Mr. Damodaran Subramanian, MD, Safran Engineering Services IndiaMr. Venkataramana Mantha, CEO, Assystem Technologies India, and Mr. D. Krishna Mohan, Deputy Site Director, Moog India.

There were additional sessions on:

3. Funding Opportunities for Technology Ventures 

4. Dissemination of Information on Industrial relevant Programmes to Industry and Clusters especially for Indian SMEs and Startups by CEFIPRA

The event had 100+ participants from the Aeronautics & Aerospace sector, which included senior executives from the Indo-French business community. 

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