Event report

Bangalore : A Roundtable on “How to Decode a Term Sheet”

The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) in partnership with PSA Legal Counsellors organised a round-table on “How to Decode a Term Sheet” on Friday, the 1st February 2019 in Bengaluru.

Mr. Dhruv Suri, Partner at PSA spoke on various aspects of protecting oneself and the essentials to look out for in a Term Sheet from an investor’s perspective as well as a start-up. The round-table discussion was very interactive, with real life examples and questions on personal experiences by company heads on their respective enterprises.

Some of the topics spoken about were on the essentials of a Term Sheet, multiple ways of framing the Management Rights and the nuances of negotiation, projection of Valuation and their Categories, Risks Policies, Taxation Anti-Dilution Protection Clauses, Listing into an Equity Market and the various instruments available, Limitations presented by the E-Sops, Exist Strategies in case of Dilution, etc.

The event witnessed a full house and concluded with a networking session among the participants.

Check Speakers profile here.

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