Communication - Press

A Special Reception For Artist Sujata Bajaj By The French Ambassador

The French ambassador Alexandre Ziegler hosted a special reception to honour Indian artist Sujata Bajaj at the Residence of France in Delhi. Seven striking artworks by the artist, curated on the theme of colour, were on display. The Jaipur-born artist, who has a doctoral degree in Indian tribal art, studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris, on a French government scholarship.

She later joined Studio Claude Visieux, where she studied the monotype technique in multimedia printmaking. Her wide range of influences are reflected in her work, which is deeply rooted in her Indian heritage, but also draws on the artistic movements and techniques she encountered in France.

Highlighting Bajaj’s journey from an art student in Paris to an eminent artist, Ziegler said, “Your story illustrates how student exchanges between our two countries can become an incredible opportunity and have a lasting impact on one’s career and personal life. Student mobility between India and France in arts is particularly meaningful and must be encouraged. The Institut français en Inde is hence investing great effort in this area.”

Acknowledging France’s influence on her artistic sensibilities, Sujata said, “With France, it was love at first sight, and there has been no looking back. I am deeply Indian, but I felt immediately at home in France… There is influence of both French and Indian art in my work.”

Source : The Times Of India

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