Event report

Webinar on “Strategies to handle International & Domestic Arbitrations effectively in India"

IFCCI in association with Law Senate organized a Webinar on “Strategies to handle International & Domestic Arbitrations effectively in India"

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The event commenced with Welcome remarks by Ms. Rishika Roy, Head- Committees & Events (North) followed by introduction of the panelists for the event – Mr. S Ravi Shankar, Senior Partner and Arbitration Expert Lawyer, Law Senate and Mr. Ganesh Parameswaram, General Counsel, BIC Group.

Mr. S Ravi Sankar presented on Effective Handling Of International and Domestic Arbitrations seated in India covering important topics like - Drafting of an Arbitration Clause,  Appointment of Arbitrator, Advantage of India Seat, Limitations and The Witness Process.

Further, during the fireside chat, moderated by Mr. S Ravi Sankar, Mr Ganesh Parameswaran gave his insights and discussed about real life examples of existing cases related to Arbitration. Topics like - Arbitration vs Litigation in India, Emergency Arbitration, Enforcement of Contracts, Arbitrational Institutions, Expense of Arbitration and Recent Amendments in the field were also discussed. Light was also thrown on the Impact of COVID-19 on International Arbitration and Arbitration Proceedings in India.

The Fireside chat was followed by an Interactive Q&A and Vote of Thanks. 

We thank Law Senate for associating with IFCCI for this event.

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