Event report

Webinar on "Importance of IPR in Healthcare" in association with United IPR

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IFCCI in collaboration with United IPR organized an exclusive webinar on “Importance of IPR in Healthcare” on 23rd July 2021.

Ms. Payal Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI gave the opening remarks and welcomed the Guest of Honor Mr. Rajarshi Kumar, Joint Commissioner of Customs, Office of the Director of Anti-Profiteering, and the speakers for the session- Mr. S.K Bansal, Senior Partner, United IPR and Mr. Gaurav Gogia, Principal Associate, United IPR.

Mr. S.K Bansal highlighted the increased counterfeiting infringements in the context of Pandemic and spoke majorly about IPR Enforcements and how to effectively use the IPR enforcement- in terms of approaches, Customs IPR rules 2007, Risk Management Division. In the context of healthcare products, he stated that online counterfeiting had increased during the pandemic and explained various aspects of IPR enforcement – online orders by courts, IPR policy, police & custom training mandates, IT acts, E-commerce rules, Drugs and cosmetics acts.

Mr. Rajarshi Kumar then shared his on-ground experiences and valuable inputs. He highlighted the recent developments in IPR acts. In the backdrop of IPR in healthcare he underlined the need of balance between IPR and access to healthcare for the common people alongside also considering the investments in R&D, revenues and enforcing IPR in drugs.

This was followed by a comprehensive presentation given by Mr. Gaurav Gogia which covered a spectrum of issues related to IPR in Healthcare like Enforcement, Importance of Good Healthcare, debunking myths around counterfeiting and its consequences on society, consumers, and the economy.

The session ended with a interactive Q&A and vote of thanks.





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