Event report
Webinar: Exclusive Forum on How COVID-19 is accelerating Digital Transformation
IFCCI on behalf of HCL Technologies, organized an interactive forum on “How COVID-19 is accelerating Digital Transformation” on 8th July 2020.
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The forum commenced with opening remarks delivered by Mr. Sumeet ANAND, President, IFCCI and Founder & CEO, IndSight Growth Partners. The participants were welcomed by Mr. Sandeep SAXENA, EVP - Diversified Industries (UK, France and Benelux), HCL Technologies.
The session was also graced by the presence of H. E. Mr. Ugo ASTUTO, Ambassador of the European Union to India and Bhutan, who talked about Digital Cooperation: Global Perspective. He shared “The crisis has made importance of digital tools and technologies even more graphic. There is a need to ensure a competitive environment to favor & encourage innovation. As we rely more and more on the digital technologies, it is essential to focus on security of data."
Furthermore, H. E. Mr. Emmanuel LENAIN, Ambassador of France to India, addressed the topic Digital Cooperation: Indo-French Perspective, quoting, "Cyber security is going to very important in the coming months and we also need to increase the multi-level dialogue to strengthen the data protection frameworks. In the roadmap to digital cooperation between India & France, artificial intelligence, quantum computing, advance computing is going to be key players."
This was followed by an interactive panel discussion on Shaping economy in times of adversity: key role played by policy makers and regulators moderated by Mr. Sailesh TAILOR, Associate Vice President, Digital Sales Europe, HCL Digital & Analytics Practice.
The eminent speakers included Mr. David RINGROSE, Head of International Affairs DG CONNECT, European Commission; Professor Stéphanie BALME, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Sciences Po; Ms. Mathilde HOANG, Lead Open Data, Etalab, Inter-ministerial Directorate of Digital (DINUM), Prime Minister task force; and Mr. Chand KAUSHIL, Head, Office of Information and Communications Technology (UN-OICT), United Nations.
Mr. David RINGROSE shared, "The European Commission has deployed digital technologies to combat the COVID pandemic through a range of activities like the use of high-performance computing to expedite the efforts to find a vaccine, the development of tracing apps, the use of AI in medical imaging and the deployment of cleaning robots in hospitals. The Commission is also working on advancing the digital transformation to create a resilient framework for any future disruptive & challenging times."
The participants included top leaders belonging to top French companies, Universities, Institutions & Government organizations such as, European Commission, Saint Gobain, Hinduja Group, Airbus, Thales, Groupe Royer, etc. The forum ended with a Vote of Thanks by Mr. Sachin Bajaj, Senior Vice President, Digital &Analytics, HCL Technologies.