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We Are Open To Having A Partner For Solar Business In India: Malcolm Wrigley, Engie India

French multinational energy giant Engie is bullish about growth prospects in India with the government’s increased focus on clean energy deployment. The company is working on its plan to invest $1 billion here and is open to explore a partnership for India solar business to co-invest in projects, Malcolm Wrigley, Country Manager, Engie-India told ETEnergyWorld in an interview. He also shares his views on the proposed safeguards duty on solar imports. Edited excerpts.. 

A recent media report said Engie plans to sell stake in its Solairedirect unit that has been bidding for projects in India. What is the larger plan?

Engie has business operations in around 60 countries in the world and I am responsible for India development and operations. We bought Solairedirect 3-4 years ago and all of our utility-scale solar power activity in India is carried out through it. Solairedirect has been renamed Engie Solar and, as of now, we own 100 per cent of Engie Solar and all the solar power plant assets it has built. If you look at how Engie does business for large industrial investments around the world, we generally work with partners in one form or the other. We prefer to work with partners, local and international, who can also be the fellow developers and financers and we are open to having a partner for our solar business here to co-invest with us in our existing assets and future assets too. We are open to that but no decision is taken and no detailed negotiation has happened. 

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