Event report

TNP HDD flagship series Les Histoires de Demain - The Stories of Tomorrow

IFCCI and TNP Consultants jointly organized a Panel Discussion as a part of the TNP flagship series Les Histoires de Demain - The Stories of Tomorrow

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The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) and TNP Consultants jointly organized a Panel Discussion as a part of the TNP flagship series Les Histoires de Demain - The Stories of Tomorrow, on 'How can defence challenges inspire other businesses?' on 20th April 2023, at the Embassy of France, New Delhi.

Ms. Payal S.Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI, welcomed General Andre Lanata, Former Chief of Staff of the French Air Force and Former Supreme Allied Commander Transformation, NATO, the Speakers and the guests for the evening. She also extended her gratitude to H.E. Mr. Emmanuel Lenain, Ambassador of France to India, for a warm welcome at the Embassy.

General Andre Lanata addressed the gathering and shared his perspectives on defence challenges such as high-intensity warfare is no longer solely a hypothesis for military planners and a loss of inhibition about the use of force in international relations can be observed, conflicts are extending to all domains, the democratization of access to technology which tends to increase the potential danger of each threat, it is difficult to address shared challenges in isolation which means that profound integration of relations between human societies is essential in the 21th century. He also quoted that "The world is definitely more unstable, more unforeseeable and more dangerous today than it was a little more than a year ago."

This was followed by a Panel discussion that was moderated by Mr. Matthieu Lebeurre, Partner, TNP Consultants and the Panelists were Mr. Anurag Garg, Head of Strategy, Thales India, Gp Capt. Sanjeev Bedi, Director and Country Head India, Testmeasure Spherea, Mr. Anuraag Maahrotra, Head – Aerospace/Strategic Alliances, Continental Carriers Pvt Ltd. and CEO, Darien Aerospace, Air Commodore Debashish Vedajna (Retd.), Key Account Manager - IAF & DRDO, Airbus India, Mr. N Raveeswaran, Head of Aerospace & Defence Strategic Business & Chief Strategy Officer, Mahindra Defence, Mr. Sunil Prasad, Head - Aerospace & Rail, L&T Technology, and Mr. Marc de Laet, GM, Latecoere India Pvt Ltd. The discussion shed light on the Make in India Campaign, the way foreign defence companies are operating in India, the existing opportunities and the gaps along with the key takeaways and inspiration for other business sectors.

In his closing remarks, Mr. Benoit RANINI, President of TNP Consultants, spoke on how TNP is pursuing technology breakthrough to aid decision-makers in their digital, operational and regulatory reforms.

Mr. Yohann Samuel, Regional Director South, IFCCI thanked TNP for associating with IFCCI for their unique series, Speakers for their insights and the participants.

The Session was moderated by Ms. Aarushi Gautam, Manager-Committees & Events (North).

The event was attended by over 80 members representing sectors namely defence, aerospace, industries, energy and logistics, followed by networking over cocktail.

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