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The French Nuclear Industry, Committed To Nuclear Excellence

Under the impetus of the GIFEN - French Nuclear Suppliers Association and Business France, the national agency supporting the international development of the French economy, and with the support of EDF, 19 French suppliers to the nuclear industry will attend Indo-French nuclear business meetings from November 26th to December 1st. A 'French Nuclear Night' will also be held, as a part of this event, which will gather the Indo-French Nuclear ecosystem to provide a networking platform.

The French delegation will attend 2 main events:

  • A technical seminar and B2B meetings to strengthen Indo-French relationships (Mumbai, November 26th and 27th)
  • A 4-day roadshow to meet stakeholders, CTOs and their staff from the main Indian NPPs and representatives from renowned companies involved in nuclear industry (Mumbai on November 28, Kanyakumari on November 29, Chennai on November 30 and Karwar on December 1st).

France has chosen for many years to incorporate nuclear electricity in its energy mix. France has developed technologies with the highest safety standards and adopted strict rules, controlled by an independent authority. Therefore, France is covering the entire nuclear energy cycle from fuel manufacturing up to decommissioning of nuclear power plants and waste management.

Today, France has across the world a variety of projects in which French nuclear SMEs are involved and working with foreign companies:

1. New projects and construction of power plants

  • 4 EPR reactors under construction in 3 countries (France, Finland, UK) and 2 EPR units are being commissioned in China
  • 4 already authorized ATMEA1 units in Turkey under the intergovernmental agreement between Turkey and Japan
  • Participation to different reactor designs: PHWR, VVER, AP1000, CAP1000, HPR100, ESBWR, BWR
  • The Jaitapur project for 6 NPPs, in which the French Nuclear Industry wishes that the collaboration with Indian companies will lead to a significant Indo-French achievement

2. Operation and maintenance of reactors in operation

  • French companies have supplied around the world more than 350 nuclear reactors (AREVA experience) and built more than 130 reactors in 12 countries
  • 73 reactors in operation in France and in the United Kingdom
  • An area where France and India could jointly execute large projects for safe, reliable and efficient operations can be for the Indian reactors

France has been supporting countries in the nuclear energy field for years. They expect that nuclear cooperation between France and India will become increasingly strong and continue as part of a long-term partnership.

France is ready to leverage key success factors for the development of sustainable nuclear energy in India by:

  1. Sharing knowledge and skills with local industry
  2. Cooperating in education and training development
  3. Supporting industrial development and establishing strong linkages between both industries

The French delegation comprises of the following firms:


Key relevant figures of the French nuclear industry:

France possesses 58 reactors and its expertise is globally acknowledged in the nuclear sector. This expertise is the fruit of the constant commitment and investment of French industrial groups and SMEs for the past 60 years in the nuclear field.

• The French Nuclear Industry represents a total of €50 billion in turnover per year, of which 20% is generated from cooperation in international projects. France today accounts for half of the European nuclear industry

• It is composed of 2,600 companies with 115000 highly qualified people

• €1.8 billion are invested in R&D programs each year

Source: PR Newswire

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