Event report

Site visit to KidZania & the Laughing Cow Cheese Factory

IFCCI under the aegis of its Consumer Goods and Services Committee and in collaboration Fromageries Bel organized a site-visit to KidZania Mumbai

Ms. Shweta Pahuja, designate Regional Director, IFCCI shared the opening remarks and welcomed all the members and their families for the site visit at KidZania. Mr. Alamjit Sekhon, Commercial Director, Fromageries Bel and Chairman of IFCCI’s Consumer Goods and Services Committee greeted all the participants and highlighted the strong partnership of BEL Group with KidZania. This was followed by a brief introduction of Kidzania by Mr. Rahul Dhamdher, Chief Marketing Officer and Ms. Prerna Uppal, Chief Partnership Officer at KidZania and with a musical performance and a couple of fun activities planned like the Zumba performance and karaoke.

KidZania being a global indoor theme park and a family entertainment center for children in the age group of 4 to 16 to enhance their social and cognitive skills believes in ‘creating future’. The motive of a theme-park like KidZania is to ‘Get ready for a better world’ and help children understand the real-world business by role-plays of adult activities and experiences.

We then took a detailed tour of the smart set up the fun activities at KidZania followed by a networking evening.

We thank BEL Group and KidZania Mumbai for hosting us at their facility. The event was well received.


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