Event report

Protecting your Innovation: Understanding IPR in India

IFCCI in partnership with K&S Partners organized a session in Paris on Protecting your Innovation: Understanding IPR in India.

On the 24th March 2023, the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) in partnership with K&S Partners organized a session in Paris on Protecting your Innovation: Understanding IPR in India. This session brought together IP in-house counsels, Directors, R&D officials, Scientists, CEOs of innovator companies, start-ups, research institutes, and patent attorneys, among others.

The event was held at the Mayer Brown office in Paris and was led by a business networking breakfast.

Mr. Priyank Prakash, Senior Manager- Events & Membership, IFCCI commenced the event with the opening remarks and by setting the context to the gathering, which was followed by Ms. Priyanka Chopra, Partner, K&S Partners, Mr. Himanshu Chawla, Partner, K&S Partners, and Mr. Anand Choubey, Partner, K&S Partners delivering the session on Understanding IPR in India.
As India is poised to become one of the biggest markets for doing business globally, the objective of this event was to get companies across sectors to recognize how they can protect their innovations in the Indian market by understanding the patent and design protection landscape.     

The speakers from K&S Partners touched upon various subjects pertaining to IPR in India including IPR Legislations, Patent and Design Protection in India (Patentable Subject Matters, Examination Process, Fee, Patent Term, among others), trends, and key strategic considerations while setting the tone on the Indian Economic scenario.       

The session was very informative and was well-received by the participants.

IFCCI thanks K&S Partners for conducting this knowledge session and all the participants for taking the time out and making this event a huge success!

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