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Pondicherry: Glimpse Of France In India A Slice Of Indo-French Culture

Puducherry (New Town in Tamil language) previously known as Pondicherry is one of India’s most beautiful Union Territories located in the southern part of the country.

The entire town is divided into two parts- French and Indian quarter. The French quarter is called La Ville Blanche and the Indian section is La Ville Noire, both worth exploring. Many French people have settled here and many streets have French names. The Indo-French architecture is extremely simple and attractive and has European influences. There is so much in Puducherry to get going and explore – the day-to-day life filled with energy, colour, and culture, which can easily make anyone fall in love with the place.

Natives love to call Pondicherry as ‘Pondy’. While exploring the city of happiness and the unique blend of twin cultures, explorers love to talk about some beautiful places like Auroville, French Colony, Aurobindo Ashram and of course the beaches.

Puducherry, has some absolutely stunning beaches, including Promenade or Rock beach, Serenity beach, Veerambatinam and Paradise beach, just to name a few.

The beautiful lush green gardens with attractive European architecture and walkways can make anyone realise why Puducherry is called paradise.

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