Event report

New Delhi : Talk With Arunabha Ghosh

On 19th January 2018, The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IFCCI) organized a leadership talk with Dr. Arunabha Ghosh CEO of Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW) on 'Sustainability Challenges for a New India’ at the Embassy of France on Friday, 19th January 2018.

The objective of this seminar was to flash light on key aspects of Smart cities, sustainability, jobs, climate collating as well as opportunities for French companies in India in these segments The event was commenced and opened by Ms Payal S. Kanwar, Secretary General, IFCCI which was followed with welcome speech and brief address by Mr Jean-Marc Fenet, Head of the Economic Services for India and South Asia, Embassy of France. 

The welcome speech was followed by a panel with industry experts Dr Arunabha Ghosh, CEO, CEEW, Mr Akshay Jaitly - Partner, Trilegal and Mr Paul Salvaire, Second Counsellor, Global issues & Foreign policy) - Embassy of France joined the session on stage to discuss about the challenges in the particular sectors like service delivery challenges, NGOs role in addressing challenges, transport, skill development, transition in energy etc.

This talk was attended by more than 50 pan India participants. The session was closed with an audience Q&A where audiences were given the platform to ask questions and the challenges they face in their sectors which was followed by post networking hi-tea.

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