Event report

New Delhi : Session on "Emerging Trends in India's Finance, Tax and Regulatory Framework"

IFCCI organized the Session on Emerging Trends in India's Finance, Tax and Regulatory Framework on Tuesday, 11th February 2020 at its Delhi Office


Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in association with Coinmen Consultants LLP, organized the Session on Emerging Trends in India's Finance, Tax and Regulatory Framework on Tuesday, 11th February 2020, in New Delhi.

The Session was designed especially for French companies in India and was organised in view of Indian market being a potent ground for the development and growth of SMEs and doing business in India requires good understanding on certain aspects related to financial and tax planning.

Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Director General, IFCCI commenced the Session with a Welcome Address. Mr. Nitin Garg, Founding Partner, Coinmen Consultants gave a comprehensive and enlightening presentation on the macro-economic overview of the economy, including the factors leading to slowdown of the economy, measures/initiatives taken to revive the economy, string focus on ease of doing business, digitisation in tax reforms, impact of MLI on India-France DTAA, transfer pricing, highlights of the Union Budget 2020 etc. 

It was an insightful Session on exploring the technicalities of financial and tax planning for a business in India. 

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