Event report

New Delhi : IFCCI Roundtable on ‘Data Protection’ with PSA

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Taking into account the immense need of Data Protection in the current corporate scenario, The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in association with PSA conducted a Roundtable on ‘Data Protection’ on Thursday, 21 February 2019 at the IFCCI Delhi Office.

Data is recognized as a significant corporate asset and needs to be safeguarded for organizations storing information digitally, which broadly includes, financial information, payment details, contact information and data usage. Data protection is not just a legal necessity, but a crucial aspect to an enterprise.

The breakfast session commenced with a welcome address by Ms. Rishika Roy, Manager - Events & Memberships, IFCCI. Subsequently, Ms. Arya Tripathy, Principal Associate, PSA and the principle speaker of the session addressed the audience on current scenario and need of data protection in India.

During the session she focussed on various terms like data processing, sensitive personal data, data fiduciary, data processor, etc. In order to link data protection theory with real life corporate examples, she shared her experience through case studies.

Following the session, participants which included Legal and IT heads from French companies Like Pernod Ricard, Moet Hennessy, Thales, Accor India to name a few, discussed how they look forward to implementing data protection in their respective organizations. The roundtable ended with a significant brainstorming session.

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