Event report

New Delhi : IFCCI Reception at Residence of France, Sciences Po Panel Discussion With Dr. Christophe Jaffrelot

On the occasion of the India visit of Dr Vanessa Scherrer, Vice President for International Affairs at Sciences Po, The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) in association with Sciences Po, a world leading university in Social Sciences organized a cocktail reception and a lecture on “Nation Building in Europe, A Comparison with Asia” on Tuesday, 11 December at the Residence of France, New Delhi.

The event flagged with a welcome address by Ms. Payal S. Kanwar, Secretary General, IFCCI, followed by a speech by H.E Mr. Alexandre Ziegler, Ambassador of France in India. The creme de la creme audience comprising of Indo-French business leaders was addressed by Dr Vanessa Scherrer, Vice President for International Affairs, Sciences Po and Mr. Enrico Letta, Dean, Paris School of International Affairs at Sciences Po, former Prime Minister of Italy, moderated by Mr. Siddharth Varadarajan.

The lecture ended with an interactive session with the audience and concluded with a networking cocktail.

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