Event report
New Delhi : First Meeting - IFCCI Higher Education Committee
Maud Le Bars, Rennes Business School (Bangalore):
- The purpose of the meeting is to define our objectives and to collect suggestions from the members.
- This committee should be useful to us as education professionals, to our universities at large (future students, students and Alumni) as well as to IFCCI.
Bruno Bronquard IFCCI (Mumbai):
- There is an interest from other committees to interact with the Higher Education Committee such as the HR Committee, the Retail Committee and the Finance Committee.
Sophie Collet, Sciences Po (Mumbai):
- Sciences Po is France’s leading university in social sciences and we have one office in Delhi and one office in Bombay
- The Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of other IFCCI committees expressed an interest to get to know the Higher Education committee and our respective universities/schools better in Delhi on the occasion of the visit of President Macron. There seem to be scope for collaborations.
Maud Le Bars summarized the objectives detailed in the “vision” section of the document “Key points for discussion” sent to all the participants.
Nishit Jain, Grenoble Ecole de Management (Delhi):
- Looking forward to connecting better with the corporate sector
- Would like to co-create a portal / a platform to connect the members of the committee. He thinks it could be a way to connect students, Alumni, professors, projects… as well as put forward the problems faced by us, both on the Indian and the French side
Ashley Fernandes, EM Lyon (Lyon):
- Chairman of a new school opening in Bhubaneshwar in June 2018 and maybe in Hyderabad in 2020, former investment banker and entrepreneur
- Supports the idea of a technology tool, particularly to enhance opportunities for students and alumnis to find partners on entrepreneurial projects. - Would like to create more links between business schools and engineering schools, and support the enrolment in Committee of engineering members.
- Will be in Bombay and Delhi in the beginning of April and is open to meet members of the committee in person. Message him!
Marie-Pierre Seyfried, HEC (Jouys en Josas):
- With 140 Indian students in HEC campus Indian students represent the 3rd nationality at HEC
- Through this committee she wants to collaborate with students and with other Universities. - Marie-Pierre will remain a secondary member and introduced her colleague Nancy Piacentini
Charudatta Bodhankar, Lotus Business School (Pune):
- Lotus business school is affiliated to the university of Pune and offers joint programmes with several French universities
- Interested in creating awareness about French higher education at large because it’s not known well in India - Inviting the Higher Education Committee to the campus in Pune. Thank you for the invitation!
Ridhima Verma, NEOMA Business school (New Delhi):
- NEOMA is a French business school created in 2013 by the merger of two business schools: Rouen Business School and Reims Management School
- Would like to focus on bridging the gap between the alumni and corporate houses in India : what kind of jobs are available / what kind of skills are required to apply for the jobs in India after coming back from France/ What is the culture in French companies in India
- Know more about the France Alumni portal to use it optimally - Is interesting on ensuring some kind of exclusivity versus the universal France alumni portal.
Nitin Joseph, IESEG business school (Mumbai):
- Cooperative work: we could all work together on certain issues. For instance Nitin rejected a lot of applications due to fake applicants from Consultants
- Common visits: A few of us could work together and do common tours throughout India
- Regional Alumni Meet: This is something that he has done before in Qatar with Qatar Foundation and the Ministry of Education of Qatar for students who studied in UK. Great networking platform
- Gala: In Qatar, the UK Embassy, British Council, Schools from UK in Qatar, Universities and colleges from UK would pool up and create a fund for multiple events with an annual Gala. We could also try to do the same thing
Srinivas Sambanam, Galaxy education (Bangalore):
- Galaxy Education is a Consultancy based in Chennai to help students applying to foreign universities
- Srinivas is noticing a growing interest in France and is working on the French higher education system is 6 years. Now to make the promotion of studies in France more efficient, he believes that a clearer link between studies and post studies careers should be made.
Sriram Raghevan, ESSEC (Delhi):
- Sriram graduated from ESSEC in 2013, he is working at Ashoka University but participates in the committee in the ESSEC capacity - Would like a Whatsapp group for the Higher education committee - Organizes meet ups for Alumni - Would be interested in finding opportunities for Alumni, both jobs and entrepreneurial opportunities
Christophe Legris, French Consulate (Mumbai):
- In charge of education and promotion for the French language - Secondary education is a big business in India with +250% private international schools in 10 years
- Interested in best practices : what works to promote the French language and studies in France and what doesn’t work
Frequency of meetings:
- Have a conference call once every 2 months. If possible, meet in person in IFCCI offices - Organize a “General Assembly” once a year when convenient for the members
First steps:
- City level meetings for members of the committee. Minutes can be shared via email to all the others. This will increase the engagement and provide an opportunity for the members to get to know each other
- Networking opportunities with other IFCCI sector committees
- Organize an Alumni speed networking session
- Leverage on IFCCI Employment Services by encouraging the Alumni and students of the French schools / Indian colleges to register their CV’s with us for upcoming job opportunities.