Event report

New Delhi: Exclusive CEO Visit To Google India

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In the presence of H.E. Mr. Alexandre Ziegler, Ambassador of France to India, The Indo-French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) organised an exclusive CEO visit to the Google Headquarters in Gurgaon hosted by Mr. Vikas Agnihotri, Country Head (Sales) - Google India on Friday, 21st June 2019.

The event started with a welcome address by Mr. Vikas Agnihotri, Country Director - Sales, Google India, followed by an address by H.E. Mr. Alexandre Ziegler, Ambassador of France in India. Subsequently, the Google India team presented their plans around India as a key market, insights for brands, year in search report, digital maturity framework of a brand and machine learning & artificial intelligence.

Following the session, the participants explored the experience zone which was specially curated for the IFCCI delegation.

The guests, which comprised of 45 Indo-French business leaders, were also escorted by the Google team for an exclusive tour around the Google India Office.

The visit ended with a networking lunch at Google Café.

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