Event report
New Delhi : CEO Power Evening with Havas and BW Businessworld
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The Indo French Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IFCCI) organised a ‘CEO Power Evening’ in association with Businessworld and Havas Group on Monday, 18th February 2019.
The evening was held in the honor of Mr Yannick Bolloré, CEO & Chairman, Havas Group & Chairman, Supervisory Board of Vivendi to India. Yannick, for long has been an avid believer in the country and its contribution to the global economy.
The event themed ‘It Takes a Village to Build a Business: Unprecedented collaborations & efforts precede extraordinary outcomes’ commenced with a welcome address by Dr. Annurag Batra, Chairman & Editor - In Chief, BW Businessworld & Exchange4media Group.
Ensuing the open address, the guests benefitted of a panel discussion on ‘From Organization to Ecosystem: the dynamics of a fast-changing world that requires a ‘village’ to raise and build a business’. The panel included renowned names like:
- Mr. Simon Gillham, Member – Management Board, Chairman, Vivendi Village & Executive Vice President, Communications
- Mr. Rajesh Ramakrishnan, Managing Director, Perfetti Van Melle, India
- Mr. Peter Mears, CEO, Havas Group Media
- Mr. Puneet Anand, Sr General Manager & Group Head – Marketing, Hyundai Motors, India
- Mr. Chris Hirst, Global CEO, Havas Creative
- Dr. Annurag Batra, Chairman & Editor-In Chief, BW Businessworld & Exchange4media Group
Subsequently, Mr. Jacques Séguéla, Co-Founder, RSCG & Vice President, Havas Group talked about ‘Tech Without Affect is Death of Advertising’. A proud author of the famous book ‘Le diable s’habille en Gafa’, Mr. Jacques Séguéla is not only known in France but also across the globe for his achievements in advertising sector.
His speech turned out to be a surprising yet informative element for the guests as he emphasized on meaningful advertising while giving various examples of the brands he has worked with.
Successively, there was a Fireside Chat with Mr. Yannick Bolloré, CEO & Chairman, Havas Group & Chairman, Supervisory Board of Vivendi wherein he talked about how digitization has affected the music industry, why gender equality should be given importance and how he aspires to include women in the executive committee of his company.
The evening concluded with a closing address by Mr. Vishnu Mohan, CEO, Havas Group - India & South East Asia, followed by a networking session.