Musical collaborations way of sharing cultures: French singer

French singer and composer Davy Sicard, who recently performed here, feels collaborations among musicians from different countries is a way of "sharing cultures". 

The musician, who came to the fore with his compositions of folk form 'Maloya,' a mix of African slave chants and rhythms, was in concert with Rajasthani traditional musicians including Parveen Sabrina Khan at the Taj Mahal Hotel here.

"I first performed in India and Jodhpur RIFF in 2011. That was like discovering a part of my own culture as India contributed to help bring population to Reunion Island (France) after the abolition of slavery in 1848.

"I would love to collaborate with Indian musicians. It is a way of going further in sharing our cultures and also to show that cultural differences are not a barrier," Sicard told PTI.

For Sicard, whose tryst with music began with playing guitar at the age of 18, the art goes beyond borders as, he feels, languages or cultures can never be impediments. "Music is universal. It goes far beyond languages and ways of life. There are some common points between my music and Indian music, especially in rhythms and melodies," says the songwriter.

He also expressed his interest in Indian music saying his recent experience of listening to Rajasthani folk singer Bhanwari Devi has left him "impressed".

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