Event report

Mumbai : Roundtable Discussion With Government Of Maharashtra

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The Indo French Chamber of Commerce and Industry organized a Roundtable discussion with the CEOs of major French companies operating in Maharashtra in the manufacturing sector on 26th July 2019 at Intercontinental, in Mumbai.

The main objective of this roundtable discussion is to bring together French companies operating or wishing to operate in Maharashtra in the framework of the “Magnetic Maharashtra" campaign, as well as to discuss about the challenges, operational concerns and suggestions that the companies may have in their manufacturing units.

It was a very informative and engaging discussion organized by IFCCI in the humble presence of Shri. Subhash Desai, Minister of Industry, Government of Maharashtra.Ms. Sonia Barbry, Consul General of France to Mumbai led the delegation of about 28Indo-French manufacturing companies. Our Director General, Ms. Payal S. Kanwaropened the session by welcoming the guest and the minister.

Our member Trilegal, worked on a whitepaper based on a survey that was filled by the participating companies and highlighted information regards Investments, Infrastructure & Connectivity, Licenses and Permits, Talent and Future skills Development, GST and Business Opportunities in Maharashtra.

Furthermore, the discussion revived the Indo French Relationship expanding horizons for trade and business opportunities with Maharashtra. We express our gratitude to Trilegal for their supportin preparing the white paper.

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