Event report

Mumbai & New Delhi: Executive program on ‘Mastering Strategic Negotiations’ by HEC Paris

For the first time in India, in December of 2018, HEC Paris, France’s number one college launched in association with the Indo-French Chamber of Commerce (IFCCI), a two day Executive Short Education program in India on ‘Mastering Strategic Negotiations’. The program has been curated in partnership with NYU Stern School of Business and Harvard University by award winning professor Mr. Gonçalo Pacheco de Almeida, Associate Professor of Strategy and Business Policy and Academic Director of the MBA Strategy Specialization at HEC Paris. Members and patrons of IFCCI were offered an attractive discount on the original course fee as part of this partnered launch initiative.

The interactive program was conducted in Mumbai and Delhi for senior level executives from Indo-French companies which discussed the intricacies of negotiation, tactics to identify and close a deal favourably and taught how certain techniques could be applied to engineer favourable long term deals through multiple collaborative activities and real-world situations. The program is a comprehensive crash course in negotiation strategy that covers both foundational and advanced negotiation topics, the aim of which is to help one acquire cutting-edge negotiation techniques in order to analyse, prepare for, and execute complex deals across most industries.

The workshop was a valuable and informative experience for 60 senior profiles that attended the program in both the cities. The attendees also received a certificate by HEC Paris upon completion of the course. Having received an overwhelmingly positive response, the program is scheduled to return in 2019.

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