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Literature Unites India And France

Thirty Indian authors representing all linguistic regions of India are expected, with 15 Indian publishers participating in the fair.

In a welcoming initiative, India has been invited to be the Guest of Honour at the Paris Book Fair 2020 (Livre Paris 2020) to be held from March 20-23. The announcement was made at Delhi’s Oxford Bookstore recently. This invitation is a part of a reciprocal invitation, France will be the guest of honour at the New Delhi World Book Fair, January (2022). It is not the first time for India to accept the invitation. In fact, India was the Guest Country in Paris in 2002 and 2007 as well.

Under this initiative, leading and emerging Indian authors will be invited to Paris to meet their French readers, sign books and participate in events, talks and debates. Along with this, publishing industry professional networking events dedicated to India will consolidate the cooperation between France and India in this area. Accordingly, to Dr Bertrand de Hartingh, Counsellor for Education, Science and Culture, Embassy of France, and Director of the French Institute in India, “The Paris Book Fair is more than just ‘a book fair’, but a meeting of minds. It is Europe’s most important literary and publishing appointment, where India can showcase, where India can showcase, not just in France, but in Europe, new authors and recent works and get a great platform for its large publishing industry, its vibrant and innovative projects. France is keen to engage with India in the publishing sector in all its diversity, through translations, through publishing incentives, through literary exchanges and more.”

In this Indian presence, around 30 Indian authors representing all linguistic regions of India are expected with 15 Indian publishers will participate in the two professional days on 18th and 19th March before the fair, organised by the BIEF (International Bureau of French Publishers) The Indian contingent will be represented by the iconic Oxford Bookstore pavilion lead by Ms Priti Paul, Apeejay Surrendra Group, sponsor of the Romain Rolland Prize.

Indian voices

Thirty Indian authors representing all linguistic regions of India are expected, with 15 Indian publishers participating in the fair.

Source : The New Indian Express

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