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Institut et Centre d’ Optometrie,(ICO) Bures, France and Lotus College of Optometry, Mumbai, India’s, Indo French Student Faculty Exchange Program

The program is a result of a Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Schools of Optometry for exchange of knowledge and culture. Every year a delegation, comprising of students and faculty members come to India to volunteer in community service. Special eye camps are organized wherein students of Lotus and ICO, under faculty supervision examine patients, prescribe spectacles, screen for ocular diseases and refer the patients to hospital for further evaluation. Dispensing of spectacles is done by the ICO students. Besides eye camps, the French students, in rotation also got to work in the OPD of Lotus Eye Hospital

Following this in the month of September a team from Lotus comprising students and faculty visits ICO College, Paris. Lotus team gets a tour of the entire college including a museum for Optometry and Optics which is one of its kind. ICO team also arranges a workshop on dispensing, where students learn frame fitting, frame adjustments extensively. They also visit some of the optical outlets such as Lovis Lafont, Grand Opticals and Lissac and BBGR Ophthalmic Lens Manufacturing Facility which is one of the largest unit in world.

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